Concrete Drops Theatre
The Pit
In this funny, fast-paced, and surreal send-up of domestic bliss a husband and wife must negotiate their marriage and the growing, bottomless pit that's opened up in their bedroom.
Written by
Martin Dockery
Vanessa Quesnelle & Martin Dockery

“The fringe equivalent of a jazz masterpiece. Dockery & Quesnelle need only their
inherent magnetism and chemistry to hold an audience in thrall.”
“An engaging, smart script delivered with precision and intensity.”
–Edmonton Journal, AB
“Dockery and Quesnelle are fantastic performers who excel with sparkling banter
and exhibit an effortless chemistry.”
–Winnipeg Free Press, MB
“If you haven’t seen it already, then you need to go out and do it right now. Seriously. I’ll wait… The chemistry between Dockery and Quesnelle is electric…
It was a joy to watch them perform… I could praise this play all day long.”
–Production Ottawa, ON
“A good premise, smart writing and talented actors.”
–Vue Weekly, Edmonton, AB
“Funny, with exceptional actors who beautifully grow their characters.”
–CFUV, Victoria, BC
~Past Performances~
Feb 5-7, 2016, Orlando Fringe Encore, Orlando, FL, USA
May 28 - June 8 2014, Piccolo Spoleto Festival, Charleston, SC, USA
April 22-26, 2014, London, ON, Canada
Oct 3-5, 2013, Bellingham, WA, USA
Sept 19-28, 2013, Boulder Fringe Festival, Boulder, CO, USA
Aug 27-Sept 1, 2013, Victoria Fringe Festival, Victoria, BC, Canada
Aug 16-25, 2013, Edmonton Fringe Festival, Edmonton, AB, Canada
July 18-28, 2013, Winnipeg Fringe Festival, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
June 20-27, 2013, Ottawa Fringe Festival, Ottawa, ON, Canada
May 18-26, 2013, Orlando Fringe Festival, Orlando, FL, USA